Our Story
We loved having backyard chickens but hated the task of cleaning the water bowls and refilling them. Vacations were hard to plan because finding people that were available to keep the chickens watered was not easy. Summers were the worst because the chickens needed more water, and it would evaporate quicker due to the heat. The bowls would get contaminated frequently with bugs, feathers, and droppings, becoming unhealthy for our flock as well as the dogs and other farm animals. If not attended to often, the water got stagnant and algae would grow. An ongoing and frustrating situation!
We set out to design a way to automate this chore.
We spent many nights in the barn working on this concept and after many experiments and revisions, a light bulb went on! We needed to build something that connects directly to the garden hose as a constant water source.
No more manually cleaning and refilling bowls! Just fresh, clean water anytime your chickens need a drink.
We finally got the unit improved to the point we felt we achieved what we set out to do. We created a very reliable, automated chicken watering system! As simple as it sounds, we named it The Chicken Fountain and decided to make it available to everybody tending to backyard chickens.